Smart Feline
Smart Feline

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why do Felines like boxes?

Cats like boxes because it makes them feel safe. In the wild, sheltered areas like boxes protect them from being seen by a predator. It is also helpful when stalking their prey. Because cats associate small spaces like this with safety and protection, boxes are handy in times of stress. They also provide a warm, cozy place for them to nap or snuggle in during the cold season. Although you may only see a simple cardboard box, your cat sees a safe, luxury haven that promises warmth and protection for them. It’s crucial to provide your cat with a box in your home to give them a safe space for them to escape to in times of need.

2. Why do Felines hate water?

Many Felines dislike water for a variety of reasons. First, most cats have very limited experiences with water, and they’re often negative (for example, the bath). In fact, since they evolved in desert climates, they’ve never been very exposed to large amounts of water. Their fur isn’t designed to repel water so it becomes uncomfortable if it gets too wet. But not all Felines loathe water. There are certain breeds of cats that actually love water, such as Abyssinians, Turkish Vans, Bengals, and Maine Coons.

3. Why do Feline’s purr?

Purring is usually associated with some kind of enjoyable activity, such as nursing, being pet, grooming a fellow cat, or just being in a comfortable environment. But cats also purr when they’re sick, injured, or stressed. According to, Sometimes it is an emotional response, indicative of pain or distress. Indeed, cats may purr while giving birth, so purring is more likely to be a mechanism that helps Felines rest and repair. Purring may be feline self-comforting behavior.

4. Why do Felines sleep so much?

According to About three quarters of the time your cat appears to be sleeping, it’s just dozing. You’ll know when, because its ears and whiskers will twitch, its eyes will open a fraction and its body will remain rigid. This light snoozing allows cats to recharge while remaining alert to threats. For serious shut-eye, your cat will curl up in a quiet place where it can let its guard down. This deep sleep is critical for growth

5. Why do Felines have whiskers?

Whiskers are very sensitive hairs that connect to a cat’s muscular and nervous system and also provide them with a lot of information about their environment, particularly about their position in space, distance, or air currents, but they are especially helpful in low light or darkness. They can even be used to communicate. For example, when they feel scared or threatened, they will pull them against their face, and when they feel happy or excited, they tend to point them forward. But always remember – never trim or pluck a cat’s whiskers!

6. What does catnip do to Felines?

Catnip is an herb in the mint family, and whether or not a cat reacts to it depends on their genetics. Surprisingly, only about half of all the Felines in the world actually have this gene. Researchers believe that the scent of catnip triggers receptors in a Feline’s brain that make them feel happy. Whereas eating it, tends to make them calm. If your feline likes catnip, you may find it useful when teaching them to use a scratching post or encouraging them to play more if they are always just sleeping or lying around.

7. Why do Felines eat grass

Most veterinarians believe cats like to eat grass to relieve gastrointestinal issues or to get rid of parasites since grass has a lot of fiber. Grass also provides nutrients that are beneficial for your feline’s health such as folic acid. Other cats, however, may just like the taste of it. But ensure your cat isn’t eating any toxic plants or grass that was treated with chemicals because it can poison and kill them. If you notice that your feline is eating large amounts of grass, talk to your local vet because there could be an underlying health problem, usually one that is fatal.

8. Why are Pregnant Women Told to Avoid Felines?

Outside Felines can pick up a microscopic parasite called toxoplasma gondii from the soil, from catching an infected rodent, or from eating plants growing in infested soil. The disease, known as toxoplasmosis, can be extremely dangerous for the babies of pregnant women, causing serious problems that can potentially include vision loss, mental disabilities, and seizures. Although indoor cats are much less likely to pick up this parasite, it’s usually a smart idea for pregnant women to avoid the litterbox just in case.

9. How many kittens can a Feline have in a year?

Once pregnant, a Feline’s gestation period is roughly 2 months (60-70 days), making it possible for her to birth as many as five litters a year. In her lifetime, she can give birth to over 100 kittens! But even more surprisingly, a single pair of cats and their offspring can produce as many as 420,000 kittens in just 7 years.

10. How long do Felines live?

Typically, outdoor cats live for 2 – 5 years while indoor Felines live to about 15 years. This is due to the fact that outdoor cats are exposed to many more dangers than indoor cats are, including getting hit by vehicles, encounters with other wild animals, ingesting a poison, the availability of food, various diseases and parasites, and dangerous weather conditions. Other factors that tend to affect any feline’s lifespan (whether they are indoor or outdoor Feline’s) are preventative care, nutrition, and lifestyle. For example, just being overweight can shorten your feline’s lifespan by over 2 years!