Smart Feline
Smart Feline

Smart Feline is designed to allow you to explore every cat’s breed, learn everything you need to know about them and discover which one is right for you! It was created by two sisters who share a love for cats and want to share their knowledge with the rest of the world. Smart Feline was founded in early 2022, one of the newest, informative and accurate websites around.

This site has a large range of categories you can navigate to, including cat breeds, health information, dietary requirements and general advice to keep your cute feline happy and healthy.  In addition to all this, Smart Feline provides you with loads of facts and tips that are sure to astound you. Furthermore, Smart Feline includes information about diseases, behavior, dietary requirements, health issues and an alphabetical list of each cat breed along with a picture and a brief description. Thank you for visiting our website, and we hope you have learned something new.

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