Smart Feline
Smart Feline

love and treat your pets like royalty

Explore all the information you need to know about cats, learn advice to take care of them and find out which of these felines is right for you

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Smart Feline

Our Company

Smart Feline is designed to allow you to explore every cats breed, learn everything you need to know about them and discover which one is right for you! It was created by two sisters who share a love for cats and want to share their knowledge with the rest of the world. Smart Feline was founded in early 2022, one of the newest, informative and accurate websites around


In today’s world, pets occupy a special place in the lives of many people. Caring for furry friends requires not only time, but also knowledge. Pets need proper nutrition, health care and, of course, active play. The Smart Feline website offers many useful tips and recommendations for cat owners. It is important to remember that every pet is unique and the approach to its upbringing should be individual. In addition, when it comes to leisure time, you should not forget that entertainment comes in many forms. For gambling enthusiasts, there are many online casinos where you can not only have fun, but also try your luck. It is important to choose a verified site, so as not to get into unpleasant situations. In this context, it is useful to study the reviews of the best online casinos at, which can help in choosing the right option for the game. The resource discusses various bonuses and offers from platforms, which will allow you to make the most favourable use of your time and money. In addition to interesting entertainment, such platforms provide safety and comfort while playing. Conveniently, it is now possible to combine taking care of pets and enjoying the excitement without leaving home.

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Why Choose Us

This site has a large range of categories you can navigate to, including cat breeds, health information, dietary requirements and general advice to keep your cute feline happy and healthy.  In addition to all this, Smart Feline provides you with loads of facts and tips that are sure to astound you. Furthermore, Smart Feline includes information about diseases, behaviour, dietary requirements, health issues and an alphabetical list of each cat breed along with a picture and a brief description. Thank you for visiting our website, and we hope you have learned something new.

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